R U L E S &
Fairgrounds will open for early arrival Tuesday, March 19, 2024
Thursday: First Long Go with $3,250 added
Thursday Only: Age Incentive Race $500 added per age group
Friday: Second Long Go with $3,250 added
Saturday: Short Go Final with $7,000 added
Sunday: Open Race with $2,000 added (Seniors can roll Thursday time to Sunday Open Race)
All Contestants for Thursday, Friday, & Saturday runs must be 50 years old or older by March 21, 2024.
No need for birth certificates, but if there were to be a challenge to someone's age, we will ask to check your Driver's License.
Top 25 entries of each D will qualify for the Short Go Final on Saturday.
If you qualify both days, your first run will qualify and your second run will not, and we will move down to the next unqualified contestant.
If there is a tie, both contestants will qualify. We want to qualify 250 entries if possible, 25 per D per day.
The race for 2023 will continue to have two WILD CARD DRAW #s to qualify for the finals.
Friday night after the results of Friday's race are posted and Saturday's Short Go draw is determined, all draw #s, (rider/horse draw # from Thursday and Friday LONG GO that did not make it in the top 25 qualification) will be put into a Hopper and spun around and we will draw out one from Thursday and one from Friday.
Even if you hit a barrel or received a no-time, you will be in the Wild Card Draw!
These will be Wild Card competitors for the Finals!
BBR payout between D's. 75% Payback of entry fees and 100% of Added money.
Tonya Wallace 501-765-2333
email: seniorworldrace@gmail.com
There are three ways to enter:
1) Online - www.seniorworldchampionship.com (Entry Form tab) click on the red Online Entry Form link
All online entries FastEnter processing fee is $6.00 per transaction & PayPal/Credit Cards charges 4% of the total transaction.
2) Mail -- Please submit your completed entry form with a personal check or money order for the total amount to the following address:
Tonya Wallace
21070 Rebar Lane
Hensley, AR 72065
All mailed Pre-Entries must be postmarked by March 4, 2024
3) On Site Entry -- Books will stay open until the last 50 riders of the day. CASH ONLY ACCEPTED ON SITE.
All Pre-entries will have the option to request a group of 50 (1-50, 51-100, etc.) to be drawn into. You must submit your draw request with your entries. Every effort will be made to meet those requests.
NOTE: If you have a special request regarding your entry, please submit that request in writing with your Pre-Entry and in the "Note to Producer" section for online entries. The Entry Office will attempt to meet special request. HOWEVER, NO GUARANTEES CAN BE MADE THAT YOUR REQUEST WILL BE MET
Any entries not submitted by March 20, 2024 will be subject to a $10 late fee per person.
The pre-entry draw will be posted by March 18, 2024 on the Senior World Championship website. It will also be posted at the event. Any entries not postmarked by the postmark date above will be added to the end of the draw. Attempts will be made to have an adequate number of horses between each rider's additional horses.
Draw numbers for On-Site entries will be drawn by Office Staff.
Thursday First Long Go - running order is a draw.
Friday Second Long Go - you will run in the same group of 5 as your Thursday draw
Saturday Short Go - will run from slowest qualified ride to fastest.
No refunds will be awarded for any reason. (Please fill out online form)
HORSE SUBSTITUTION (Horse Change Form under Other Forms on website)
Horse changes must be done each day prior to the first horse running. You may fill out form and email to seniorworldrace@gmail.com the week of the race on Wednesday at no cost. After that date please submit horse change form to show office on site along with $5.
You may not switch horse draw positions (Example: If horse 1 "CoCo" draws a better draw position on a drag than horse 2 "Buddy," you can not change "Buddy" to run in "CoCo's" draw position or your times will be disqualified.
You MAY NOT change horses for the short go.
RIDER SUBSTITUTION (Rider Change Form under Other Forms on website)
Rider changes must be done each day prior to the first horse running. You may fill out form and email to seniorworldrace@gmail.com the week of the race on Wednesday at no cost. After that date please submit rider change form to show office on site along with $5.
SENIOR MAIN RACE - (Thursday, Friday, & Saturday)
The main race (Long Go's) will be ran in a 5D format with a 1/2, 1/2, 1/2, 1/2 second splits.
1D=fastest time of the race.
2D=fastest time of the race plus .5 second.
3D=fastest time of the race plus 1.0 second.
4D=fastest time of the race plus 1.5 seconds.
5D=fastest time of the race plus 2.0 seconds.
The entry fee for the Senior World Championship Race is $150 plus a $25 office charge.
Entry into Incentive Races is purely optional. Enter the appropriate Incentive Race based on your age as of March 21, 2024. All of the Incentive Races are within the "Main Barrel Race" First Long-Go round on Thursday ONLY. Each horse and rider combination makes one run that counts toward the main race and Thursday's incentive race that you have entered for that particular horse and rider combination. Incentives may be Pre-entered or entered on-site. The Incentive Races offers are as described below.
50--59, 60--69, 70 & OVER. There will be one payout for the Incentive Races after the Thursday performance only.
They will each be paid in a 4D format 1/2,1/2, 1 second splits.
$30 Entry Fees. 100% Payback of Added money.
The type of awards, to what placing, and event awards are given may change on a yearly basis.
Upon arrival, you should check into your stalls and RVs at the Stall/RV office. No Official Check-In is necessary. However, you are encouraged to check the Draw at the race. If the Entry Office needs to see you, it will be noted on the Draw, and you must see the Entry Office before your first run.
You may check into your stalls and RV"s on Tuesday after 10 am. Your horse must be removed from its stall (and your RV/trailer from its RV space) by Noon on the following day if you do not have that space reserved for the next night. If you have a Slide out or Awning that takes up two spaces, you will be charged for two spaces.
RV's, Stalls, & Shavings - this year will be sold by FOUR STATES FAIRGROUNDS starting January 5, 2024, please contact them for your RV spot (870) 773-2941
No portable panels or tying out will be allowed overnight, This is a rule of the Fairgrounds!
NOTE: All Stalls and RV spaces are pre-assigned. If you would like to be stalled or parked in a group, it will be best if ONE PERSON from your group calls Four States to reserve all of the stalls and RV spaces.
All horses must have a CURRENT COGGINS paper dated within the last 12 months. COGGINS WILL BE CHECKED.
Time is allotted on Tuesday 6 pm --8 pm, and Wednesday 12 pm -- 10 pm. They will be sold in 30 minute time slots. Exhibitions will not be before the race on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday morning. Please see the Office Staff to purchase Exhibitions $5 ea.
Exhibitions may ONLY be purchased on-site.
Tuesday exhibitions will go on sale Tuesday, March 19, 2024 @ 3 pm
Wednesday exhibitions will go on sale Wednesday, March 20, 2024 @ 10 am
Exhibitions are on a 60-second time limit. A penalty of $5 may be assessed for exceeding the time limit and must be paid before making your jackpot run.
All contestants must wear a COLLARED SHIRT, long pants, Western Hat or Helmet, and cowboy boots or equestrian sports shoes. Caps are not permitted. Any contestant not in dress code may have his/her run be disqualified. Any contestant whose hat falls off in the alleyway/arena will be assessed a $10 fine. This fine must be paid before receiving any payout, making another run, or retrieving a fallen hat.
HAT FINE - $10.00
Payable at entry table
All contestants, family members, and companions are expected to display good sportsmanship.
No level of animal abuse will be allowed. Misconduct is grounds for disqualification or removal from the premises without refund of entry fees.
All Dogs must be on a leash and may not be in the warm up area or in the horse entrance area to the main arena.
There shall be no selling of any type of merchandise or professional service on the arena grounds, in stalls, or at trailers without a vendor contract with Keevin Luck or Joan Clement.
Vendor forms are available on this website, but if you have questions please call Keevin Luck at (501) 454-2824 or Joan Clement at (501) 622-9885.
Contestants MUST check in with the Gate Crew in the holding pen 5 Contestants before their run.
The calls of the Gate Crew are the official call.
THERE IS ONE WAY INTO THE ALLEY AND ONE WAY TO EXIT, all contestants are to enter thru the holding pen and exit out the back. NO EXCEPTIONS or your time will be disqualified.
If you need assistance with entering the holding pen or alley way, please have your own help (family member or trainer).
Staff or gate worker will not be responsible to help the contestant. Contestant's name will be called by the Gate Crew three times. If the contestant has not identified himself/herself to the Gate Crew by the third call they will be disqualified. THE THREE OFFICIAL CALLS COME FROM THE GATE CREW, NOT THE ANNOUNCER. You have 30-60 seconds to enter the arena once your name has been called by the announcer.
A "No Time" will be given if the contestant circles inside the arena, does not complete the correct pattern, runs out of turn, knocks over a barrel (even if it is knocked onto its side and sets up again on either end), if contestants falls off during a run, or if the contestant cannot get the horse into the arena within 60 seconds from the Gate Crew's call.
Each Contestant must make an honest effort to complete his/her run in the fastest manner possible without endangering the horse or rider. Contestants are asked to exit the arena quickly and promptly.
Contestants may ride any horse, regardless of ownership. However, a horse may not be shown by more than one person in a particular race.
Only one horse will be allowed in the arena or alleyway at any time.
Two electric timers will be used. However, if the official and backup times fail to work properly (unless a barrel has been knocked over) result in a no-time, a re-run will be granted immediately at the end of the next group of 50 with a fresh drag, or at the end of the event with a fresh drag at the contestant's discretion. The rider must declare if he/she will accept a re-run before the next horse runs.
If any contestant's time are tied, the prize money will be split equally and Finalist awards, D winners decision will fall back to fastest qualified time from the Long Go wins the tie.
In order to receive your money or prizes, your entry forms must be COMPLETE with name, full address and phone number. You will also be required to fill out forms requiring your Social Security Number for tax purposes only.
Any monies not picked up at the barrel race will be mailed on the Wednesday after the race.